Canadian Art Teacher – Volume 13 No.1
Contents / Sommaire
Editorial / Éditorial
Baxter’s Last Stand!
Laurie Rae Baxter
Lowenfield Lecture
Kenneth Marantz
Women Artists in Canada: A History of Our Own
Constance Hall
Integrating the Arts in Teacher Education: A Practical Approach
Stuart Richmond, Margaret Scarr, & Donald McLeod
Shamrocks and Systems: What Business Models Can Contribute to Education in the Arts
Ronald N. MacGregor
Book Review / Critique de livre
In the Mind’s Eye [Deans]
Reviewed by Roxanne Pettipas
Learning by Heart: Teaching to Free the Creative Spirit [Steward & Kent]
Reviewed by Gillian Davidson
Why Duchamp? [Baruchello & Martin]
Reviewed by David Wright