Canadian Review of Art Education Volume 4 1977
Contents / Sommaire
Perspectives / Perspectives
A Model for Inquiry at the Master’s Level: Design and Designers–Implications for Curriculum Development in Art Education
F. Graeme Chalmers
Catastrophe Theory and Art Education
Ronald N. MacGregor
Investigation of Art Therapy
Louise Cooper
Back into the Classroom with Art Education Theory: A Challenging Alternative
James U. Gray
Research Inroads
Indexing Periodicals
Loren Singer
Review Article / Études
Changes in the Concept of Perception: A Survey of References Found in Studies in Art Education, 1959-1975
Elisabeth Bardt
Progress Reports / Recherches en cours
Art Therapy in the Perspective of Existential-Phenomenology
Pierre A. Gregoire & Mary Davidson
L’évolution de l’expression plastique tridimensionnelle chez les enfants
Louise Parent-Vidal
A Study of the Young Child’s Development in the Use of Clay and Styrofoam as Art Media
Leah Sherman, Sophie Landau, & Leslie Pechter
Formulative (Visual and Poetical) Thinking in the Art Work of a Mentally-Handicapped Woman: A Case Study
Max Klager
Arts Carousel: The Arts with the Handicapped–The First Year
Michael Seary
Thesis Abstracts / Résumés de thèses
Art for the Elderly
Morrie Rohrlick
Use of Fingerpaint by Four-Year-Old Children
Laurie Jane Hollis
Book Review / Critique de livre
Art Is … [Lindsay]
Reviewed by John Emerson
Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis [Dickie]
Reviewed by Jerry G. Smoke
Readings in the Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics [Nahm, Ed.]
Reviewed by Jerry G. Smoke
The Artist in His Studio [Martin]
Reviewed by William H. Martin
Children’s Art Judgment [Plummer]
Reviewed by William H. Martin
The Arts, Human Development, and Education [Eisner]
Reviewed by James Gray