Canadian Art Teacher – Call for Papers

Canadian Art Teacher/Enseigner les arts au Canada (CAT)

Call for Papers

About Canadian Art Teacher 

The Canadian Art Teacher/Enseigner les arts au Canada (CAT) is peer-reviewed and published semi-annually by the Canadian Society for Education through Art. The goal of the journal is to enable the exchange of exciting teaching ideas, to disseminate novel art education research, and to discuss pertinent issues in the field. Readers and contributors include artists, educators, and researchers interested in teaching and learning in the visual arts.

CAT wants to hear from you!

We invite submissions from art or design educators (as well as those working in related fields such as architecture) in all sectors working with diverse publics: museum and galleries; schools; community contexts; and post-secondary education. Artists whose practices include pedagogical aspects are welcome.

Theme: General

We are seeking contributors that touch on various areas related to art education and may be either theoretical or practical in nature. Submissions may include scholarly research papers; reports; creative content such as photo essays; reviews of books (academic, children’s, or art), exhibitions, or resources; and lesson/project ideas.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Manuscripts may be in English, French, or Indigenous languages and be 3000 to 6000 words in length, including references (style should adhere to APA citation guidelines).
  • Manuscripts must be original content and not published or submitted elsewhere.
  • Visual materials, whether as illustrations or the central focus, are encouraged (particularly for shorter manuscripts). All artwork and images must be of high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and accompanied by appropriate credits, permissions, and copyright.


  • ~200-word abstract/expression of interest (appreciated but not required):  February 1, 2019
  • Full manuscript: March 15, 2019


Please direct all inquiries and submissions to
April Mandrona


InSEA 2019 registration system is NOW OPEN

Dear CSEA/SCÉA Members and Contacts,

The InSEA 2019 registration system is NOW OPEN.

Here is the link:…

Here are a few details:

You will need to create a new account for 2019 InSEA conference registration.
2019 InSEA conference registration system is different from the proposal submission system, and it is also different from member login.

If you are a presenter, and also a student, you may register as a student.

Registration rates
On or before March 15:
Early bird and presenter registration:  $225 Canadian.
Early bird Student (must prove full time status):  $120 Canadian.
Accompanying person:  $80 Canadian (access only to reception, exhibition halls).

All registrants must prove they are members of InSEA or BCATA (local art teachers) by providing a membership number that will be cross checked with the organization before the registration process is complete. Delegates are encouraged to become members as soon as possible and to allow a minimum of three to four weeks for the organizations to process memberships. These are volunteer organizations so we want to respect their time.

Join or renew here:

We are capping the congress at 800 delegates. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible. We anticipate having only online registration.

Should space still be available after March 15, registration fees will go up:
Regular delegate: $300 Canadian.
Full time student (with proof from institution): $180 Canadian.
Accompanying person: $110 Canadian.

Regular registration includes access to all sessions, keynotes, exhibitions, exhibitors, opening reception, beverage breaks and the program.

Additional fees (by March 15) include:
July 12 Banquet and dance: $145 Canadian.
July 13 Harbour cruise (evening and including transportation from and to UBC): $30.

After March 15:
Banquet and dance: $180 Canadian.
Harbour Cruise: $40 Canadian.

We look forward to welcoming a large international community to Vancouver!

Sandrine Han, PhD.
CSEA/SCÉA Director of Special Projects
(National and International)
InSEA 2019 Promotions Coordinator

On behalf of
Kit Grauer and Rita L. Irwin

and Ching-Chiu Lin
Congress Program Chair

The Canadian Review of Art Education Vol 45, no 1 (2018)

Dear Colleagues,

We’re pleased to inform you the latest issue of The Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, Vol 45, No 1 (2018): Art Education and the Poetic is now available at 

Chères collègues, chers collègues,
C’est avec grand plaisir que nous vous informons que le dernier numéro dela Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique : recherche et enjeux, Vol 45,no 1 (2018)Éducation artistique et le poétique est
maintenant disponible à l’adresse: 

Heather McLeod, PhD
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues

Call for Chapter Proposals

Artwork Histories: Transnational Perspectives in Art Education (Working Title)

Dustin Garnet (California State University, Los Angeles)
& Anita Sinner (Concordia University)

Art education holds an important role in promoting historical awareness of the multiple relations that connect pedagogic inquiry with culture, heritage, place and identity, locally and globally. In our ongoing efforts to keep step with the movements of art and society, we believe art education requires more inclusive and holistic versions of history from transnational perspectives that break down barriers and cross borders in the pursuit of more informed and diverse understandings of the field.

Inspired by Munslow (2010), we invite submissions that adapt an approach of ‘artwork histories’ to explore the legacies of art education as an anticipatory mode of historical thinking and practice across the arts and across sites of learning. Acclaimed historian Hayden White (1973) described history as “a narrative discourse the content of which is as much imagined as found” (p. 82). Artwork Histories offers an opportunity for authentic engagement and intellectual risk, which includes the rejection of ‘correct’ interpretations of historical problems. As active agents, art education historians are not passive collectors of the past, but engaged in new ways of doing history predicated on cultivating stories that move beyond representation to attend to aesthetic dimensions that bridge historiography, material culture, oral history, art history, and teacher education. This edited collection will provide an interpretation of ‘historical thinking and historical consciousness’ (Seixas, 2017) through the interrelations of time (past, present, future) and space (geographic location, orientation, connectivity beyond borders) as we move towards what Seixas describes as coherent and interwoven historical approaches in an effort to provoke critical and creative practices in education.

We seek research that conceptualizes the entanglements of historical research in art education in a globalized society (Knudsen & Gram-Skjoldager, 2014; Larson, 2018). We encourage proposals that explore linkages and flows that shift from the nation-state to transnational actors: individuals, communities, institutions, and/or organizations. Five strands weave this collection, with a host of potential subject areas, including but not limited to the following:

  • Emergent Historical Approaches (methodological fluidity, epistemological deliberations, conceptualising transdisciplinary, limits of historical inquiry)
  • People in Relation to Art Education (issues, events, memory studies and/or first-person accounts of war, trauma, social justice, LGBTQ+, dis/ability as new forms of belonging)
  • Studies of Places and Things (object-biographies, architecture, spatial design, universal design, and archives)
  • Communities of Art Education (socially-engaged art, artist collaborations, collectives, interrogating national art education narratives)
  • Institutions and Organizations (universities, museums, schools, community associations)

We welcome essays that bring forward anticipatory modes of thinking and practice, as well as multiple forms of archival research, and creative renderings of historical research, such as stories, visual essays, poetic expression and more.

Please send a chapter proposal of 500 words, identifying the topic area of your chapter, along with select references and brief bios of authors (50 words) by December 1st, 2018 to and

Invitations to submit full chapters will be sent out January 2019.



Knudsen, A. C., & Gram-Skjoldager, K. (2014). Historiography and narration in transnational history. Journal of Global History, 9(1), 143–161.

Larsen, M. A. (2018). The possibilities and potential of transnational history: A response to Kazamias’ call for historical research. European Education, 50(2), 101-115. doi: <ahref=”″>10.1080/10564934.2018.1454261

Munslow, A. (2010). The future of history. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.

Seixas, P. (2017). A model of historical thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(6), 593-605.

White, H. (1973). Metahistory: The historical imagination in nineteenth century Europe. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.


President’s Message – September 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back!!  I hope this email finds you well-rested and recharged as we start off another school year.  The summer seems to fly by faster and faster each year and before you know it, we’re back in our classrooms with a new group of students eager to get their hands dirty with new art projects and assignments.

In this President’s Message, I would like to begin with updates on the InSEA conference approaching quickly, next July 9-13, 2019.  CSEA/SCÉA will not be holding its own conference in 2019, but instead, we are a partner with the larger InSEA (International Society for Education through Art) conference that will be held at the University of British Columbia, in the beautiful city of Vancouver.  Conference Co-Chairs Rita Irwin and Kit Grauer have been busily working with their conference committee, including CSEA/SCÉA’s executive member Sandrine Han, on what is looking like an Art Education event not to be missed!  With InSEA being a global organization, Canada will have the honour to welcome Art Education delegates visiting from countries around the world!  Be sure to be part of this memorable event!

Are you interested in presenting your research or latest classroom success stories to an international audience?  InSEA conference presentation proposals are currently being accepted!  The deadline for proposals is Fri. Sept. 15, 2018.  Information on conference presentation proposals can be found at the following link:   A variety of presentation formats are available so please take a look at the site and see if something catches your eye and fits with what you would like to share with fellow colleagues.

Looking for a place to stay while you are at the InSEA conference next July?  The conference accommodation website is now open and bookings can be made at the following link:   Make reservations early as on-site UBC accommodations will be sold out.  We don’t want you to be disappointed!

On another note, are you interested in submitting an article or sharing photographs and a story of a recent classroom art project?  April Mandrona, our Editor of the Canadian Art Teacher, is always looking for articles for upcoming issues.  Information on publishing in CAT can be found at the following link:    Keep your eyes open for the next issue to be delivered to your mailbox later this fall.

The Canadian Review of Art Education, our annual publication of scholarly articles, edited by Heather McLeod, will also be coming out later this fall, with an issue focused on Art and the Poetic. Notification of CRAE’s next available digital issue will be sent via email in the coming months.

Closing off this President’s Message, I would like to wish you all a successful and productive fall term!!

All the best,
Peter Vietgen, PhD – President, CSEA/SCÉA

Chères collègues, chers collègues,

Bon retour !! J’espère que vous êtes biens reposés et que vous avez pu recharger vos batteries à l’aube d’une nouvelle année scolaire. Il me semble que les étés passent de plus en plus vite à chaque année et que nous nous retrouvons rapidement en classe devant une nouvelle cohorte d’étudiants qui ont hâte de se jeter corps et âme dans de nouveaux projets artistiques et pédagogiques.

J’aimerai profiter de l’occasion pour vous communiquer les dernières informations concernant la conférence de l’InSEA qui aura lieu du 9 au 13 juillet 2019. La SCÉA ne tiendra pas sa propre conférence en 2019 mais sera partenaire de la plus vaste conférence de l’InSEA (International Society for Education through Art) tenue à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, dans la magnifique ville de Vancouver. Les coprésidentes de la conférence, Rita Irwin et Kit Grauer, ont travaillé d’arrache-pied avec les membres du comité de la conférence, dont Sandrine Han membre de l’exécutif de la CSEA/SCÉA, sur ce qui s’annonce un événement d’éducation artistique à ne pas manquer ! L’InSEA étant un organisme international, le Canada sera l’hôte de délégués de l’enseignement des arts venus de tous les coins du globe ! Vous devez être de cet événement mémorable !

Aimeriez-vous présenter vos dernières recherches ou vos réussites pédagogiques devant un auditoire international ? La période de soumission des projets pour la conférence de l’InSEA est achève. La date butoir de soumission est le vendredi 15 septembre 2018. Les renseignements pertinents sont disponibles via le lien suivant :  Il existe plusieurs formats de présentation. Visitez donc ce site pour voir si un format ou un autre vous séduit et correspond à ce que vous voulez partager avec vos homologues.

Êtes-vous en quête d’hébergement pour la conférence de l’InSEA au mois de juillet prochain ? Un site est mis à votre disposition et les réservations peuvent être faites via le lien suivant : Faites vos réservations le plus tôt possible car l’hébergement sur le site même de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique trouvera vite preneur !

Dans un tout autre ordre d’idées, peut-être aimeriez-vous soumettre un article ou des photos et un narratif sur un récent projet artistique en salle de cours ? April Mandrona, rédactrice en chef du périodique Enseigner les arts au Canada, est toujours à la recherche d’articles pour nos prochains numéros.  Des renseignements sur la procédure de publication dans ce périodique sont disponibles via le lien suivant : Soyez à l’affut du prochain numéro qui vous sera livré cet automne.

La Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique, notre périodique annuel d’articles spécialisés, publiée sous la direction de Heather McLeod, paraitra également cet automne sous la thématique Art et poétique. Nous vous aviserons par courriel au cours des prochains mois de la parution de notre prochaine publication numérique.

En terminant, je souhaite à toutes et à toute une excellente session d’automne !

Recevez mes salutations les meilleures,
Peter Vietgen, PhD – Président, CSEA/SCÉA

Robert Cameron Steele – January 27, 1925 – August 2, 2018

Robert Cameron Steele

January 27 1925- August 2 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce that, after a brief illness, Bob died Thursday, August 2, 2018. He is survived by his wife Mary, his children, Marne, Beth and David, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. At Bob’s request, there will be no service.

Bob Steele was born in Mervin, Saskatchewan, in 1925 and his early years there growing up and teaching in one-room schoolhouses influenced both his personality and his developing sense of art and education. He moved his family to British Columbia after graduating from The University of Saskatchewan and taught art at Chilliwack High School and Vancouver School of Art. After teaching at the Vancouver School of Art (which later became Emily Carr University of Art and Design), he came to the Department of Art Education (ARTE) at the University of British Columbia in 1962, where he taught studio printmaking and art methods for 28 years. The Graphics Print Hut west of the Scarfe building was Bob’s domain and many of his collection of the art education students that took Graphics still grace the walls of the Scarfe building. The Graphics sale was a highlight for students and staff during Bob’s years at UBC. He remained a practising artist his whole life but it was only after retirement that he began the “Drawing Network” to encourage the idea that drawing was a language as important as talking or writing. He has published numerous articles and pamphlets and four books, “Draw Me a Story” (1998), “The Drawing Path for Children” (2011), “The Smith Ranch ‘After School’”(2011) and “A Picture Book of Children’s Drawings” (2013). He contended that in their drawings, children can capture degrees of sophistication in perception, understanding and emotion that are far beyond their literacy level. Although it was in his retirement that Bob really began publishing his ideas, his deep beliefs about drawing and children were articulated through his teaching and further refined by many of the students that he encountered in his years at UBC. A book inspired by Bob’s beliefs about art education was published last year and launched at the Faculty of Education. (M. J. Binder & S. Kind (Eds.), Drawing as Language: Celebrating the Work of Bob Steele. 2017 Sense Publishers.) Bob Steele’s legacy in art education will survive in the many art educators he influenced through his teaching and his writing.




Mary Frances Pratt

The CSEA was saddened to hear of the loss of championed Canadian painter Mary Frances Pratt this week at age 83. Pratt was an exceptionally accomplished artist, named a Companion of the Order of Canada in 1996, and founder of The Rooms Gallery in St John’s Newfoundland. We wish to extend our condolences to Mary’s family, friends and community. She will be sorely missed.

CALL FOR PAPERS – Canadian Art Teacher – Graduate Student Special Issue

The Canadian Society for Education Through Art is happy to announce that once again we will be publishing a special issue of Canadian Art Teacher journal featuring the research and ideas of graduate students working within the discipline of visual arts education from across Canada. As a currently enrolled graduate student field of Art Education, as well as any related Arts & Design fields, we invite you to be a part of this special issue.

The Canadian Art Teacher (CAT) is published twice a year. The goal of the journal is to help art educators exchange fresh and exciting teaching ideas, disseminate cutting-edge research in art education, and to discuss pertinent issues in our field that affect students and educators. In anticipation of publishing in this journal, you may request a recent digital copy so that you are familiar with the general purpose and layout of the journal.

Please submit a paper of up to 1500 words, including footnotes and endnotes plus reference/bibliography with high quality (4”x6” @ 300 dpi) images in a 4-page magazine-style spread.  By submitting images you affirm that you are the copyright holder or have written permission for image publication.  Additionally, papers cannot be under review for another journal.

As part of a new initiative designed to engage teachers throughout Canada with contemporary Art Education research, this year we ask that you consider accompanying your article by an additional section (included in the 1500 word limit) with ideas for practical applications in (and outside) the classroom. This could include a lesson plan, an activity, or teaching points. Following submission, your paper will be peer-reviewed, and if accepted, the editorial team will work with you to make necessary revisions and prepare your submission for publication.

Please contact with a confirmation of your intent to participate ASAP. We ask that you submit your work (as a word doc.) to the above email address by August 15, 2018. Your work will be peer-reviewed.  Following the successful completion of the review process, we will be requesting your short biography for the journal publication.  We look forward to hearing about and seeing your work as CSEA works towards developing deeper connections between Canada’s graduate students and art educators across the country. We hope you will consider this publishing opportunity, and we look forward to receiving your work.


Naheed Gul Ali,          Graduate Student Representative

Genevieve Cloutier,     Former Graduate Student Representative

Guest editors, The Canadian Art Teacher Grad Student edition

Canadian Art Teacher Journal – Call for Papers

CAT call for papers

About Canadian Art Teacher

The Canadian Art Teacher/Enseigner les arts of Canada (CAT) is published semi-annually by the Canadian Society for Education through Art. The goal of the journal is to enable the exchange of exciting teaching ideas, to disseminate novel art education research, and to discuss pertinent issues in the field. Readers and contributors include artists, educators, and researchers interested in teaching and learning in the visual arts.

CAT wants to hear from you!

We invite submissions from art or design educators (as well as those working in related fields such as architecture) in all sectors working with diverse publics: museum and galleries; schools; community contexts; and post-secondary education. Artists whose practices include pedagogical aspects are welcome.

Theme: Connections

We are seeking contributions that address the notion of “connection” whether between schools and communities, disciplines, theories, art forms, or people. Submissions may include: scholarly research papers; reports; creative content such as photo essays; reviews of books (academic, children’s, or art), exhibitions, or resources; and lesson/project ideas. Topics may touch on various areas related to art education and may be either theoretical or practical in nature.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Manuscripts may be in English, French, or Indigenous languages and be 3000 to 6000 words in length, including references (style should adhere to APA citation guidelines).
  • Manuscripts must be original content and not published or submitted elsewhere.
  • Visual materials, whether as illustration or the central focus, are encouraged (particularly for shorter manuscripts). All artwork and images must be of high resolution and accompanied by appropriate credits and permissions.


  • ~200 word abstract/expression of interest: July 15, 2018
  • Full manuscript: September 1, 2018

Please direct all inquiries and submissions to April Mandrona at

Dr. April Mandrona – the next editor of the Canadian Art Teacher.

Dear CSEA/SCÉA Members and Contacts,

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. April Mandrona as the next editor of the Canadian Art Teacher.

April Mandrona is an Assistant Professor of Art Education in the Division of Art History & Contemporary Culture at NSCAD University. She teaches courses as part of NSCAD’s Visual Arts Certificate for Teachers and the Mount Saint Vincent University BEd program. She is also developing NSCAD’s new graduate program in Art Education. Her community art education research with young people focuses on the social roles of artistic production, rurality, ethical practice, and innovative approaches to youth participation. 
As April begins this new role, she invites educators to submit manuscripts on any aspect of the teaching of art in the elementary, secondary, or post-secondary school or in the community, as well as topics of general educational interest.  Please see for further details and submission guidelines.
We thank Michael Emme for his many years of service, Kathy Browning for serving as Michael’s associate editor, and Genevieve Cloutier and Laurel Hart for serving as interim co-editors last year.
Dr. Boyd White
Director of Publications