Being Radical Showcase
Being Radical
Art Education blurs and vanishes when we forget that its core is artistic action. In educational contexts, we have too often turned artistic practice into an adjective. At other times we have transformed it into a goal or another complement. Artistic practice is educational per se. Artistic action serves on the same dish the content and the form in which content is shaped, and that’s why its action is doubly effective.
The Canadian Society for Education through Art (CSEA/SCÉA) celebrates the 2020 UNESCO International Arts Education Week (May 25-31, 2020).
This online event is endorsed by the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA).
Teacher & Student Gallery
Canadian students and Canadian public and private art teachers’ works, under the theme of Being Radical
CSEA/SCÉA Educators Gallery
Teacher Showcase
The gallery below is that of art created by Canadian educators to share their work. The submissions below were first showcased at the Annual CSEA/BCATA conference held in Vancouver, BC in October 2009.
Listed below is an index of all the teacher galleries. The index is ordered alphabetically by first name.
- S-V
- Shaya Golparian
- Sherida Charles
- Susy Baranszky-Job
- Tammy Watt
- Theresa MacKnight
- Viv McElgunn-Lieskovsky
- Bonnie Hill
- Charlene Gavel
- Dawn (Burn) Aziz
- Lisa Kjernisted
Student Gallery Archive
Note: The following images, arranged thematically, have been selected from the CSEA’s extensive archive of children’s art produced between 1930 and 1995, called the Canadian Children’s Art Collection. The collection has been housed with the Saskatchewan Society for Education through Art for the past several years and is in the process of being relocated to the University of Alberta.