Canadian Art Teacher – Volume 10, No.2, 2012
In This Issue
Message from the President
Miriam Cooley
Editorial: Generating Art Education
Michael J. Emme
An ABECEDART of Arts Advocacy
Herménégilde Chiasson
Did Darts Hit the Target(s)? A Response to “Contemporary Art Education: A Manifesto” by David Darts
Harold Pearse
CSEA Gaitskell Memorial Adress 2011: Art and the After-life (…and there is only the dance…)
Cynthia Taylor
Guest Editorial
Adrienne Boulton-Funke, Sebastien Fitch, & Renee Jackson
(Un)dressing Art: Toward a New Feminist Pedagogy of Fashion
Maria Ezcurra
Relationality and Art Making: Exploring an Interdisciplinary Class Project for Lumiere
Mindy R. Carter
In-Between Fredricton and Brochet
Allison Moore
Re-Thinking Design Education: Relational Ideas and Contemporary Design Practice
Tina Carlisi
Reading Around a Theme: The Art Textbook–A Review of: Art Works
Mary Ann Dobson