Canadian Art Teacher – Volume 11, No.2, 2013
In This Issue
Message from the President
Miriam Cooley
Editorial: Oddities and Affinities
Michael J. Emme
On Being a Collector: The Story of Three Papers
Amy Brook Snider
The Art Educator as Collector: Archivist, Collector, or Packrat?
Harold Pearse
A la recherche des newts perdus: Portrait of the art educator as a young collector
David Pariser
Reflections of an Avid Collector and Occasional Researcher
Amy Brook Snider
Cabinets of Curiosities: Using Collections in Visual Studio Practice
Don Bergland
Strategies for Engaging ADHD Students in Art Classrooms
Meneka Thirukkumaran
Photographing the Abandoned School
Natalie Leblanc
Transformative Learning through Art Voice: A Case Study in South Africa
Sally (Adnams) Jones
Exploring the Math and Art Connection: Teaching and Learning between the Lines
Reviewed by: Roberta La Haye