Dr. Boyd White CSEA Director of Publications
Now available at https://csea-scea.ca/store/#!/
StARTing With… 4th Edition
We at the Canadian Society for Education Through Art / Société canadienne d’éducation par l’art (CSEA/SCÉA) are pleased to announce the publication of StARTing With…(4th edition), edited by Kit Grauer, Rita Irwin and Michael J. Emme. This expanded edition includes several new and thought-provoking articles, the text is profusely illustrated throughout, and the layout is invitational. Those familiar with the earlier editions know that StARTing With… is the foremost art education methods text published with Canadian teachers, generalists and art specialists, in mind. This edition is sure to please former and new readers alike as it continues to contribute to the evolving field of current art education theory and practice.
Now available at https://csea-scea.ca/store/#!/
at a cost of $25.00 (plus shipping and handling), and discounted to $20.00 (plus shipping and handling) for CSEA/SCÉA members.
Also available for a limited time only, while supplies last: StARTing With… (3rdedition) for $15.00 (plus S&H), discounted to $10.00 (plus S&H) for CSEA/SCÉA members.
Order your copies now!
Boyd White
Director of Publications