About Jennifer Wicks
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But we are proud to say that Jennifer Wicks contributed 172 entries already.
Entries by Jennifer Wicks
CSEA/SCÉA Executive 2022-24
/0 Comments/in News/by Jennifer WicksJoanna Black, Chair of the Nominating Committee, and Peter Vietgen, CSEA/SCÉA President, are pleased to announce the Executive for the 2022-24 term. All positions were filled by acclamation. Co-President: Kathy Mantas, Professor, Nipissing University, North Bay, ON Co-President: Joanne Ursino, PhD Candidate, UBC, Vancouver, BC / Whitby, ON Past President: Peter Vietgen, Associate Professor, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON […]
CRAE 48 Available Now! RCÉA 48 maintenant disponible!
/0 Comments/in News, Uncategorized/by Jennifer WicksDear CSEA/SCEA Members, We are pleased to inform you that the latest issue of The Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues, Vol 48 (2021) is now available at https://crae.mcgill.ca/ Membres de la CSEA/SCEA, C’est avec grand plaisir que nous vous informons que le dernier numero de la Revue canadienne d’education artistique : recherche et enjeux, Vol […]
2021-22 CSEA/SCÉA Executive
/0 Comments/in News/by Jennifer Wicks*Traduction française ci-dessous Dear CSEA/SCEA Members, What an amazing weekend it was!! On behalf of the CSEA/SCÉA Executive, I would like to send out a huge CONGRATULATIONS! to our conference Co-Chairs, Dr. Sandrine Han and Dr. Bruno De Oliveira Jayme, our Graduate Student Symposium Co-ordinators, Emma June Huebner & Abena Boachie, and our conference committee […]